Thursday, November 27, 2014

Suitland bog, MD

This was my first time ever seeing sarracenia in the wild. I have seen some droseras in the wild near Lake Tahoe but never sarracenia. 

This location is called suitland bog. It is found a few miles outside of Washington Dc. 

The first clump I saw 

The whole slope of plants 

A closer up pic

A huge clump

Some nice pictures of various plants

There are several nice seedpods 


  1. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing photos, love to see Sarrs in the wild, never gets old.

    1. Thank you for viewing. It was amazing getting to see sarracenia in the wild, especially for the first time. Sadly, i just learned that these plants are not native, they were introduced from New Jersey. All the plants surrounding the DC area are extinct.

      I just saw your Blog, it is awesome :)
